Street foods and snacks to eat in Brazil

street foods and snacks brochure, Street foods and snacks to eat in brazil

Pastel de Carne: Very much like a deep-fried beef fried wonton. In fact, you must try this.

Pastel de Queijo/Camarão: Just like above, but with cheese or shrimp.

Empada de Camarão: Shrimp cup pastry.

Kibe:  This Arabic snack is made from deep-fried whole-wheat surrounding a spicy ground beef center.

Coxinha: Shredded chicken inside deep-fried dough.

Bolinho de Aipim: Deep-fried cassava dough with a ground beef center.

Croquete de Carne: Oven-baked whole-wheat dough with ground beef center.

Pão de Batata: Potato bread with chicken, sausage, or ground beef center.

Cachorro Quente (hot dog)
A variation of the NY-style hotdog: bread, sausage, tomato sauce with onions and peppers, then optional: corn, string potatoes, parmesan, and other stuff. Forget the other stuff.

Cachorro Quente de Forno: Oven-baked hotdog in croissant-shaped bread.

Esfiha: A tri-folded pizza of Arabic origin. A definite must-try.

Churros: Deep fried dough filled with none other than doce de leite (caramel’s rich cousin). Then roll in cinnamon sugar. Mmmmm, delicious.

Misto Quente: Ham and cheese sandwich, made with stringy mozzarella. A must and usually very safe.

Hamburger/x-burger: Hamburger/Cheeseburger.

X-Tudo: Double cheeseburger with everything they have to offer: bacon, fried egg, sausage, shredded chicken, string potatoes, corn, etc.

Salsichão: A big hotdog sausage on a stick, grilled then pointlessly dipped in vinaigrette and farofa.

Bolinho de Bacalhau: Cod fish cake in ball format. Very good. Eat it with olive oil. Don’t try the peppers.

Folheado: A flat croissant filled with ham and cheese, spinach, or chicken.

Joelho: The poor man’s ham and cheese croissant. So doughy, you’ll need 3 cokes to choke this down. Waste of money.

Sanduiche Natural: Simple sandwich with lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, and ham and/or variations of these, without any condiments. Light and healthy.

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